Writing is something that follows people all the time. Whether you like it or not, there comes a point in time where you cannot escape it. I like to write all of the time. I write plays and songs for my church; it is something in which I enjoy doing. However; I did not always like to write. I had to learn how to write before I could say I liked it. My name is Betty Jamison and I am 19 years old. I attended Fitzgerald High School where I had to take many English classes. As said before, English was not always my favorite subject. The grades that I received in high school on my papers were very pleasing to my family and me, but this was because of after school programs and tutoring from my teachers. Now I currently attend Wayne State University and my major is Electrical and Computer Engineering. Electrical and Computer Engineering focuses on aspects of software along with hardware, and not only the way the computer works, but also how they integrate into the bigger picture. As you can see, my field of study has nothing to do with English or writing excessively long papers, however I enjoy writing very much. I am the first in my family to make it to college. When I found out that I was required to take English courses in college, I was ecstatic only because over the years I learned how to write and I was well prepared. I thought since English was a breeze for me in high school that it would be a breeze in college. I was completely wrong. Writing in high school is very different compared to the writing expected in college.
When I took my first course of writing in college, it was not what I expected. I was prepared because I took an advanced course in high school because my teachers told me that college instructors expected more. I was still a bit nervous because I thought whatever I would bring forth would not be enough. As the course went on I noticed that I was getting beyond good grades and I was overwhelmed. At that very moment, I became more enthused with writing. As said before, I always liked writing, but as I took more English courses I began to like it even more. I am currently taking English 1020. It is more difficult than my previous courses of English, however that is expected.
In this course we base all of our papers on pathos, logos, and ethos. Before this class I had no idea of what those terms even meant. This class actually made me like English even more, simply because the instructor makes students put their skills to the test. As far as building my ethos as a writer, I believe I have become a stronger writer. When I first started writing I can honestly say that I wasn’t as strong as I wanted to be. I couldn’t write good thesis’s and because I couldn’t do that, it would make my unorganized. My current instructor teaches concepts like putting together a strong thesis that has strong criteria, different usage of outside sources, and how to be more creative. She also explains how a good thesis and research makes a good paper.
English is a part of my everyday life, and I have learned so much in my previous years as well as my present pertaining to English and writing courses. As said before, I didn’t like English in the beginning, but as I learned how to do things and write a paper the way that was required, I began to like it. I am proud to say that I am a more advanced writer. This class has taught me so much as a writer; I feel as if I could write about anything if I just put my mind and criteria into it. Taking English courses has really shaped my writing into a more advanced design. English continues to be my favorite subject simply because I understand it.