About Homayra Thasmin

Hello, my name is Homayra Thasmin and I grew up in a small country of South Asia called Bangladesh. At the age of 13 I moved to the United States. It was a really big transition for me because it \was heartbreaking to move from one place to another and leaving my family and friends behind. It was also hard for me to fit in into a society where I am unable to understand its language and not be familiar with its culture. Slowly, I started to get along with everything around me; I learned how to speak English and I made lots of friends.
Currently, I am a freshman at Wayne State University and I am planning to graduate with a degree in Political Science. My hobbies are reading, writing and researching about new topics. If like a book, then I can finish reading it in one day. I am very passionate about writing because it makes me think more logically and view the world in a different way. I am passionate about writing because of my high school English teacher. She was a really good teacher and she helped me improve my writing skills and encouraged me to continue to write in the future. When I started college I decided to major in political science and get into law school to pursue my career as a lawyer. I like to help people and by becoming a lawyer, I want to assist those who are waiting for the light of justice. I want to speak up for the people and give them justice that they have been waiting for.
In my spare time I like to volunteer. I have volunteered in events like the March of Dimes, soup kitchens and many places in my community. I also would like to spend my spare time on researching, writing and reading. I feel I can express myself better through writing then saying things out loud. I always like to write about the current issues and I have a great interest in religion and politics. I am interested in religion because it is a very sensitive topic that can be easily misunderstood. The concept of certain religions is misunderstood by people. I like to write about those misconceptions and bring people attention toward them to take an action. Before I start to write about anything I do lots of research to make sure that I am creditable enough to write about the topic I have chosen. I have written many papers about the concepts of honor killing in Islam and the war between Palestine and Israel. To write about those subjects, I have attended many seminars and lectures to make sure that I have enough information about the topics I want to write about.
As a writer I am very experienced. This is because I have written many different types of writing in college English courses such as rhetorical papers, definition papers, response papers and proposal papers. Currently I am enrolled on an English course called English 1020 introduction to college writing. It is a very challenging course but I like it. This is because this class gives me a chance to express myself through writing. This English course is improving my writing skills and preparing me to become a better writer.
I have chosen to write about the illuminate movement because I want to create awareness among the people in our society. The illuminati’s are trying to brain wash people through their money and power. The first time I found out about the illuminati, I was very surprised because slowly illuminates are trying to take over the world. Illuminate control music and media to manipulate people and gain power to take over the world and create their own rule.